Being Prepared!

Being Prepared! 1This month I will be preparing for a lovely local event, ‘Wisdom on Wellness’ at the beautiful West Horsley Place

Last year, also around this time, it was preparation for another local event, The Horsley Big Day Out!

I have just returned from a lovely week away on the Cornish coast and loved the opportunity to slow down and relax with sea water, sea air and great company around… and the preparations I made for that were so worth it; once there, I did not need to go out in the car for a week! And the remedy Sol, that was amidst my packing, did wonders in soothing the initial reaction to the sun! Phew

…And now home, writing, it has struck me a LOT that homeopathy is about being prepared!

So this is a helpful topic I will delve into a little further in this month’s blog 🙂

As you may know, seeing a Homeopathic Practitioner is certainly a different experience to seeing a doctor… anyone would think we may ask the nosiest of questions… and I often have to apologise in advance to my new patients, as I ‘prepare’ them for this different approach in their first consultations!

As I get to know you during appointments, I cover areas of health and life history that then allow important aspects of information to come to light… these can not only prepare me for the remedy prescription, but they can also prepare you in gaining a better understanding of what may be going on and why – thus allowing a path forward to get the body back into balance and alleviate symptoms. We call this ‘getting to the root cause’ and it works on a mental and physical level… and this is why I find Homeopathy so magical.

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Receiving a prescription also takes preparation… taking homeopathic remedies is quite a different experience to taking conventional medication… many of you will perhaps be squirming a bit in your seats as you read this and remember the panic when you opened your first package from me, saw the remedies and read the instructions!!! 

On first prescriptions (and especially complex prescriptions) and the Human chemistry method of prescribing I often use, there is a LOT to take in and I always recommend sitting down and taking a deep breath as you read and digest what you are being asked to do!

This preparation makes a big difference in managing the prescription and therefore your health going forward!

I often
prepare the instructions in a timetable format for ease 🙂

I prepare you to follow your symptoms and any changes that occur. And with our fast pace of life, this process is often as hard, especially in the early stages of using homeopathic remedies!

…yet all these preparation processes are key in getting the results we are aiming for.

Being Prepared! 2

I often refer to ‘Tuning in’ to our bodies (do feel free to flick through and find this in my previous blogs)… Again, we so often realise how hard it is to be fully aware of what we are actually sensing and what our bodies and minds are feeling specifically… and how they are trying to tell us. Breathwork is a wonderful way to start the tuning in process if you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed; so do take 5 deep breaths, and see how this feels in helping you calm and get started! I also love the free App ‘Insight Timer’ for different approaches to tuning in. 🙂

If we don’t know ourselves enough, we can’t necessarily be prepared to make appropriate changes that will enable our needs to be met in the most ideal way. This can immediately apply to the many aspects of lifestyle, and everyday physical or emotional situations.

(…if we know we are going for a picnic by a local lake where mosquitoes are about, when prepared, we take some mosquito deterrent… we know it will be a better outcome for us emotionally and physically to come away un-bitten!)

The Homeopathic journey can sometimes be a longer one in getting the quick responses than we are used to when using conventional medicine… but there is a lot of preparation going on in the background as the remedies resonate and go to work in re- balancing the areas that are out of sorts.

By getting to the route cause and dealing with the underlying symptoms in an unsuppressed way, we see the results to be more thorough in the healing outcome.

Whilst there is a place for conventional medicine, it is so often the case that it may only be a temporary solution.

So preparation can take time… but it is very much part of our life journey if we want to get the best for ourselves, don’t you think?

If you are reading this and realise you are not taking enough time, then level with yourself… and work out how this can change… it will, of course take some preparation and I am a great fan of using a timetable to work out what I need to do and when I need to do it each day, in order that I can do my best!

For many of us this is so hard, particularly if we are in a caregiving role, even just as parents or to our parents, or as friends. I have to pay a lot of attention to this preparation work myself!

Being Prepared! 3

Take some time for yourself today… tune in, pay attention to YOUR needs and honour them in every way you can…

A homeopathic journey can be so helpful if you are feeling stuck so please do get in touch or pass this blog on to any friends, colleagues or family members who you feel might be interested too!

The variety of remedies Homeopathy has, to bring support in these areas that we are suffering or feeling unbalanced with, whether emotional or physical, is extensive and can have such a positive impact in aiding a better outcome. They work in such a gentle, subtle and non-toxic way… and most importantly for many reading this, they have no side effects.

If you are needing to prepare for an upcoming holiday, please do see my recent post in the Homeopathy for Gut Health Facebook group which you may like to join.

I wish you a lovely continued calm and restful Summer, and for those in the Southern Hemisphere, a cosy nurturing Winter!

Warm Wishes,
Ali x

Hello 2022: Welcoming in the New Year... 2Ali Lomax

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