Here’s to a Healthy Summer!

We are just past the Summer Solstice (June 21st), people are starting to venture off on holidays and it won’t be long before schools break up and the official summer holidays begin! A break of some sort is so needed by so many of us. I myself, have just returned from a holiday in Cornwall and to have been able to experience some time away was REALLY beneficial, especially as we were also pretty lucky with the weather!


In last month’s blog, I touched on the adjustments many people may still find daunting as they step back out into a less restricted world. I just want to highlight that this is a process that may not happen as quickly as envisaged for some, and for those still struggling… KEEP GOING – gradually and gently, one step at a time if needed.

Key thought: Be kind to yourselves!

Although there is still a lot of ‘Unknown’ with ‘the Virus’, we can see it doing more of what a typical virus does: returning in waves of differing strength where more people catch it but are less affected, showing reduced hospital admissions than a few months ago.

My suggestions continue to be:

  • Keep your immune systems boosted with Vit C, Zinc, Vit D + K2 and Quercitin. (Check with a nutritionist for recommended dosage)
  • Exercise, eat well and keep nicely hydrated.
  • Checkout the powerful use of anti-viral essential oils to adorn yourself with when socializing and maintain your personal hygiene to its best!

Please do get in touch if you are suffering with Covid, have ongoing symptoms from Long Covid or side effects from the Vaccine.

Homeopathy is here to support you.


Back to Summer Talk…

Whether at home or away this summer, I wanted to remind you of the amazing value of some homeopathic remedies in typical holiday/seasonal complaints! There are well over 4,000 remedies, so these are just a few:

  • Sunburn: Calendula, Sol
  • Hayfever/Allergies: Allium Sepa, Histaminum, Mixed Pollens
  • Bites and Stings: Apis, Ledum
  • Cuts and Grazes: Hypericum and Calendula
  • Knocks and Bruises: Arnica, Bellis Perennis, Hypericum
  • Dietary Over Indulgence: Nux Vomica, Carbo Veg
  • Food Poisoning: Arsenicum Album, Nux Vomica
  • Cystitis: Cantharis
  • Cold Sores: Rhus Tox, Nat Mur
  • Travel sickness: Cocculus
  • Fever: Belladonna
  • Earache: Pulsatilla
  • Sore throats: Aconite, Belladonna, Merc Sol

Again, I like to refer to the great benefits of having your own Homeopathy Home kit to hand… it is almost like having a First Aid Box bar the tweezers, plasters, thermometer and bandages!

Home kits are available from the homeopathic pharmacies (see details at bottom of my website pages) and my favourite one is the Ainsworth’s 42 Essential Remedy Kit which is available by ordering over the phone.

Enjoy the holidays!
Ali x


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