TENSION, TENSION… How Homeopathy can help!

This is actually a pretty large topic as nearly all of us reading this can relate to a time or times when they experience TENSION! It can be simply described as a stretching/tightening and this may come about in a physical or emotional way… or BOTH! It can even be painful!

Currently in the turbulent world around us, but also at this time of year when many are sitting exams, there may be much tension found. We can also find the following common situations that bring tension to us:

  • Fear of health
  • Concerns over Finances
  • Travel, particularly with regard to the effects of Covid 19
  • Relationship matters
  • Upcoming planning for Marriage, Conception, Pregnancy and Birth
  • Death, Grief and Funeral planning
  • Changes in circumstances… this can be considered a minimal or an overwhelming circumstance… but it can so quickly cause tension, so needs recognition either way!

Whilst experiencing tension, our bodies will be put into a state of constant re-balancing in a more demanding way than usual. 

TENSION, TENSION... How Homeopathy can help! 1 Homeopathy recognises Homeostasis; You’ll notice me use this word time and time again… I love it! Homeostasis is the art of the body working to achieve consistent harmony and balance in all systems and mechanisms. Our bodies were designed and built to keep our health at its optimum state wherever possible. The action of the Homeopathic remedies we give helps nudge the body back into balance when it may be struggling… Homeopathy aids the body into its natural ability to heal itself wherever possible!

Whilst tension may arrive when we feel shocked and saddened about a situation and notice the emotional state within us change… we may also notice physical change in these instances such as muscle pain, cramp, lack of energy, a rise in heart beat, headaches, indigestion, increased urination or change in bowel movements, forgetfulness, difficulty in speech or coping with being around people or on our own. Also change in sleep patterns, or a skin condition worsening or appearing, or a change in body temperature.

Our hormonal balance may be knocked out of kilter too. These are just examples but it is important to understand how the body notices more than we think and needs noticing by ourselves!! The characteristics of each remedy given to a patient suffering with tension match their symptoms as an individual as closely as possible, so that progress can begin in moving them out of these taxing states in a gentle, non-toxic and thorough way.

TENSION, TENSION... How Homeopathy can help! 2

Hooray! Thank goodness for Homeopathy I say! …This is exactly what Homeopathy does as part of its health recovery process!

The extra time taken in typical Homeopathic consultations is also a great part of the healing process. They can help us understand what our bodies are telling us and usually lead us to better decision-making in how we manage our health and lifestyles – both in an emotional and physical way going forwards.

There are SO many remedies to choose from in order to get the best match; Well known homeopath, the late Jorg Wichmann, counted 8661 remedies before his death in 2020.

From the late Robin Murphy’s Metarepertory, I have listed some remedies used in the treatment of tension, in its many aspects:

TENSION, TENSION... How Homeopathy can help! 3Asafoetida | Belladonna | Bryonia | Lycopodium | Nux Vomica | Paris Quadrifolia | Phosphorous | Platina | Pulsatilla | Ranunculus bulbosus | Rhus Toxicodendron | Strontium Carbonicum | Sepia | Sulphur | Verbena … and one of my favourites: Lotus!

You may decide to have a bit of fun and look these remedies up… but I do suggest using a Homeopathic Materia Medica rather than just googling, as there are many different aspects to each remedy and you may not get the most accurate (and therefore least helpful!) picture!
A little start may be to look online here:

Please don’t also forget the powers of a tension-releasing Epsom Salt bath, techniques such as some gentle stretching and relaxation movements, breathwork, and making sure you carve out some time each day for something that brings you joy!  

Please do get in touch if you would like to enquire about how Homeopathy can help you!
And have a lovely month!

With warm wishes, 
Ali x

Hello 2022: Welcoming in the New Year... 2Ali Lomax

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