
Blog 1
Ali Lomax

Wisdom on Women’s Health

This month I wanted to focus on Women’s health and the importance of Women’s Wisdom. Women are being recognised today and able to participate and use their very varied and competent skills more than ever before… but equally I feel there is a bit of a crisis in keeping a healthy balance!

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Blog 2
Ali Lomax

Being Prepared!

It has struck me a LOT recently that Homeopathy is about being prepared!
So this is a helpful topic I will delve into a little further in this month’s blog…
Preparation can take time… but it is very much part of our life journey if we want to get the best for ourselves, don’t you think?

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Blog 3
Ali Lomax

Homeopathy and Susceptibility

…this is a very important topic we get to understand when using Homeopathy and I wanted to talk about it this month. Taking a case in a Homeopathic appointment will cover the detail and health history enough to determine the susceptibility of a patient and prescribe remedies accordingly, in both potency and method of dosing, with the remedy/remedies chosen.

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Blog 4
Ali Lomax

Anxiety and Meltdowns… How to help?

Meltdowns are a form of exaggerated expression, of emotional overload and sensory dysregulation whereby the body just can’t take anymore. They can also be a form of immune response… where the body goes into a fight or flight mode from the utter fear of their life, even though that may not actually be the case. The beauty of Homeopathic remedies is that there are no side effects, they are non-addictive and they do not dull the mind and natural spirit of the individual which sadly can be the case with conventional medication.

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Blog 5
Ali Lomax

Difficulty with Movement?

At this time of year, we can be starting to Spring back into action, quite literally. We may be using our bodies in ways they haven’t been used for a few months as the winter season tends to keep us home and hibernating more! Some may be recovering from surgery and are on a rehabilitation path of exercises and patience!
…Homeopathy is a great friend to those suffering with mobility pain!

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Blog 6
Ali Lomax

Full Moon Connection

This month I wanted to bring to your attention an interesting fact about the natural connection we have with the Moon phases. Many people feel quite literally ‘pulled’ at certain times in the moon cycle, where the energies are particularly strong… some may feel emotionally all over the place, some unable to sleep and very restless, others unable to concentrate or carry out tasks as they need. There are other times when we may feel more abundant and energised too. Homeopathy can support all of this…

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Blog 7
Ali Lomax

NEED HELP? It’s OK to ask for it…you are so worth it!

Often we can feel very flat at this time of year and so the key theme around this month is the need to simply ‘keep going’ in whatever we are doing, at a pace that is best for us right now. The homeopathic approach is to take a good look at the whole picture; not just how we are feeling, but how we are also functioning both mentally and physically.

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Blog 8
Ali Lomax

MOVING into the New Year!

There is always a lot of buzz in the air in January… a new year can bring about new ideas and plans to put in place, goals to set and accomplish and thoughts on exercise and health are very apparent. The theme MOVEMENT comes to mind here… we need unsticking and a fluidity in both our bodies and minds – Homeopathy can help!

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Blog 9
Ali Lomax

Being Prepared for Christmas

We have nearly got ourselves through another year, and as usual, many of us are beginning to feel overwhelmed with the planning ahead and actions that need to be carried out for Christmas. So, let’s see if we can get prepared in the Homeopathy department too!

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Blog 10
Ali Lomax

Nurturing November

In the Northern hemisphere, many people may be experiencing that hibernating feeling! As always, the main thing I can suggest now is to GO WITH IT! Homeopathy helps us to ‘tune in’ and listen to what our bodies and minds are telling us – this time of year is about slowing down a little when needed, saving and spreading our energy just for where it is really needed!

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Blog 11
Ali Lomax

ATTENTION: Immune Boosting Time!

This month, I share with you some tips and reminders about boosting our immune systems… it is always important for a change of season, particularly towards the end of the year if you are in the Northern Hemisphere…

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Blog 12
Ali Lomax

A Homeopathy Tool Kit for Term-Time

Come and have a chat with me about Homeopathy in my video blog for September… I talk through some essentials for the new term starting and how we can stay on top of everything with the help of homeopathy.

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